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ITIFFY | Privacy Policy

Get success that is measured by real results...




AUS : 1800 133 378 USA : 1409 234 1545
India : 033 4601 2421 info@itiffy.com


When you need game-changing ideas, strategic positioning, fresh perspective and a new approach.

Itiffy’s Privacy Policy certifies that we will never sell, rent, or lease your details, or your clients’ details (name, address, email etc.) to third parties.

In order for Itiffy Client to use our services, they must provide all information requested at the time of registration of domain name, email or any other service. This information is necessary to keep track of individual accounts and to contact the user when needed. Financial information collected such as credit card number and expiration date is used only to charge the customer for the service they are purchasing. It will never be given to any third party other than the credit card authorization center.

Personal information, such as name and email, are used primarily to recognize individual accounts. Occasionally Itiffy will use individually identifiable information, like email addresses, in order to contact the user for technical support, to provide product updates and account information. We have put security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of all information under our control.

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